

WhatsUp Gold Tip #3: Monitor your systems

Focus on what is important It’s nice to have detailed monitoring information for every system on your network, but if a non-critical system is unavailable during off-hours, do you want those notifications waking you up in the middle of the night? Continue reading to learn why properly configuring alerts and notifications for your monitoring system […]

WhatsUp Gold Tip #2: Discover your systems

Introduction When you finish adding your credentials to WhatsUp Gold, the next step to success is configuring the discovery process in WhatsUp Gold to work for you. WhatsUp Gold’s discovery process helps you to automate many different tasks. For example, you could modify the “Roles and Subroles” which determine which monitors and attributes are assigned to the […]

WhatsUp Gold Tip #1: Add your credentials first


Introduction Following installation, the first step to success is adding credentials for your infrastructure. WhatsUp Gold Network Monitoring and Log Management is an agentless solution that relies on these credentials to obtain meaningful data. There are many distinct types of credentials to choose from, so let this serve as a guide for you. Network Devices […]

How do I monitor all of my Windows services?

The problem Out of the box, WhatsUp® Gold does not monitor any Windows services. There is a built-in active monitor type called “Service Monitor” which allows you to create monitors for each individual service that is critical to you. But, what if you want to monitor every service on every system without manually creating monitors […]

How do I monitor ESXi hardware?

The problem Out of the box, WhatsUp® Gold does not monitor ESXi hardware in any capacity; even with the Virtualization monitoring add-on. However, there are many different ways you can use custom monitors in WhatsUp® Gold in order to effectively monitor ESXi hardware. Think about the ‘Health Status’ tab in your VMware environment. Wouldn’t it […]

WhatsUp® Gold Dashboard Management

The problem Since the days WhatsUp® Gold began having dashboards, there has always been one major shortcoming. That is, the impossibility to setup your own “default dashboards” through the GUI. Let’s say you wanted every user that logged into your WhatsUp® Gold environment to have a specific set of dashboards. You would need to ensure […]

How do I use IFTTT with WhatsUp® Gold?

You can do a lot with the If This Then That (IFTTT) integration which is now built into WhatsUp® Gold. This specific example has come up quite a bit recently, so I figured a write-up would come in handy. Keep in mind there are nearly limitless options with what you can do with IFTTT, with […]

Geolocation in WUG using Leaflet.js

*THE LATEST FILES CAN BE FOUND ON MY GITHUB* By now you’ve probably seen the Google Maps integration that was setup quite some time ago for WhatsUp® Gold. I decided since Google began requiring credit card information in order to obtain an API key, it was time to look into possible alternatives. What I found […]

What is network monitoring?

A network monitoring solution is an application which ensures the availability of your systems. The network monitoring solution will notify you if there is any problems with your systems, so that your business can achieve the highest possible uptime.